The Hajdu Family
This family session is going down as one of my favorites!
It was a first shooting in this specific location and I mean... you can't go wrong with cliffs by the ocean am I right?
With light peaking through that keyhole opening and overcast clouds it made for a perfect evening shoot that represented that change between summer and autumn.
The Hajdu family is actually, well, my family! I have had the pleasure of capturing the Hajdus multiple times and looking back through the years of photographs, it amazes me just how much photos can mean. It is a moment in time and I have instantly watched this beautiful family grow right before my eyes. They are memories that will be forever cherished and looked back on and I am so thankful to be apart of these photo milestones for them!
I hope you enjoy meeting my sweet family: Andrew, Jaymi and their kids, Maya, Evan and little Emma (who is beginning to be not so little anymore).